Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Work in Progress Project Chapter Seven: It's looking pretty Rosy from here.

Well, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? Yes, I have been slack. I've also been working - on my WIPs.
I have finally finished all twelve of my blocks for my flower quilt which has been renamed "Spring Fling"

It's almost been a full year since I started this quilt, purely due to my own procrastination, but I knew I had to get it done so that I could finish my series of articles for Online Quilt Magazine!

Some of the blocks in it are quite complex - but they are totally worth the time and effort. For example, this Rose block which was rather complex, but almost looks 3-Dimensional when it's finished. Several people have commented that this block is their favourite.

Personally, I think my favourite was the Pansy - This was the last one I put together, and I threw out  my first version, as it wasn't as pretty as these ones. I ended up buying some more Moda Grunge Fabric in Brown Dot for the center, which when I look at the blocks now was definitely the right decision.

Tonight I'll be working on sashing and basting and hopefully, I will have the quilt finished by the start of next week.

Work in Progress Count: 5 / 11 completed. I've almost halved the number of projects I had half-finished!

Happy Sewing,


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