Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Work in Progress Project: I've run into a problem....

Previously I mentioned that I have been struggling to avoid starting new projects. I had one slip-up and started a parrot mug-rug, but apart from that, I have managed to curb my natural instinct to start a thousand more quilts without finishing the ones I have already started. 

But now, I have run into a problem: I need to start another quilt - actually, another two quilts.

Kiwi Quilt

The first is a custom quilt that I have been asked to make featuring New Zealand Fabrics. This is a hard one. While I really don’t want to start another project, when you get asked to design and make something specific it's hard not to. What’s really different for me is that this pattern is an appliqué pattern - so it’s also going to be a little bit about me conquering my fear of appliqué. I’ve designed something which is very New Zealand specific. This is what I’m planning:

The good thing about this quilt, however, is that it is only a small quilt. It is only 12" x 18" plus a 2" border. The pattern is being designed for tourists and visitors from the cruise ships here in Tauranga, so it needs to be small and able to be sewn by hand (hence the applique).

Purple People

The second is my new Purple People quilt.
Purple People is a fun quilt featuring twelve funny faces in 6”x8” quilt blocks. I’m releasing one block every month starting at the end of August. 

My email subscribers will get the blocks for free before they are released for sale. (Hint, hint: Now might be a good time to sign up if you don’t already get my monthly email).
The problem with this is I do actually need to test each block myself and I can’t do this without starting to make the quilt.

So that’s my dilemma. I’ve made such good progress on finishing some of my quilts and I'm quite disappointed that I now need to start more when I still have 4 other quilts to finish. 

Do I try to finish two for every quilt I start, will that work? Or is it a slippery slope back to a room full of unfinished quilts?

Stay tuned for the next episode to find out how I’m going...


1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should have some of your regular followers who are willing, test some of your patterns for you. That would save you the extra work, but still be able to see the finished patterns to be sure everything is correct on them.
    If you do decide to do this, and the patterns are smaller blocks (not a quilt-sized pattern!!), I'd be happy to be a tester for you. I'm retired and currently working on a quilt (ok, several quilts) but do have time to do some extras. :-) Just a suggestion. wvoaks at comcast dot net
