Friday, June 7, 2019

The Work in Progress Project: A mid year resolution...

Like many other Quilter’s I have a problem. It’s an addiction really, a bad habit of starting projects before finishing the last one - actually last several (We quilters call these WIPs or Works in Progress). I wonder if it was a Quilter who came up with the saying 'put a pin in it' because that is exactly what I have been doing...

Photo by Lisa Woakes on Unsplash

If you take a brief look in my sewing room, you will find a couple of flimsies (finished quilt tops that are yet to be quilted), a quilt that has been waiting since January to get binding, Orphan Quilt Blocks and blocks from unfinished quilt tops in various piles around the room. 

What goes hand in hand with this is buying more fabric for a new project, or perhaps an existing one, that I probably didn’t need to buy and let’s face it- might just sit in a pile with all that other unused fabric (We call this our "Stash") I justify my fabric purchases by saying I have started a new project or I might need it one day for that project that I haven’t started or finished.

I was just about to sign up for the #100days100blocks2019 hosted by GnomeAngel when I realised this would be yet more fabric and another quilt that I would start and perhaps not finish. So instead I made a mid-year resolution to actually finish some of my WIPs before I start any further projects. 

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Here’s how I plan to do it: 

  1. Count the WIPs that I have.
  2. Order them from easiest to finish to hardest.
  3. Work on one project at a time until I’m caught up, and try to use what I already have in my stash where possible.
  4. Blog my progress on at least a weekly basis so my followers know what I’m up to and can keep me honest! 

I’d like to think by December I can get all my WIPs finished. But the reality is I have about 2 hours each weekday when my son is asleep to sew. I also have curtains to make for the house and so it’s the stolen furtive time that I can sneak every now and then, such as the occasional evening when my husband is away for work, that just might add up to the success of my mission. 

Are you keen to join me? 
Hang in there- this could get tough. 


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