Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Work in Progress Project: I’m making a list and checking it...once.

Counting up my Works in Progress 

For the first mission of reducing my WIPs and potentially reducing my stash is to actually count my WIPs and work out which ones were easiest to finish and the hardest as well as which ones were urgent or have a deadline. This took me a day to sort out on its own, I thought I would have about 5 WIPs. I was wrong, but I did manage to come up with a list and in order of ease and priority. Here it is:

  1. Finish binding my #fppswap2019 cushion. This is an easy one. All I have to do is finish hand-stitching the back of the binding.
    I’m so close and I had a deadline to work to, so I’ve been pretty good about this one. It’s still worth noting though. This will be the first one to tackle. 
  2. Make and finish binding my second version“Riding the River Rapids” Quilt. This quilt is my second version of this quilt. The first is being featured in Make Modern Magazine in July. This just goes to prove that if I have a deadline - I can usually finish something.  What’s worse is that I did actually quilt this one, but then I got bored and put it to one side- and there it has stayed since the end of last year. It’s time to finish it so I can then work out what I’m going to do with it.
  3. My Second Shape-O Quilt. What is this still unquilted? Am I that easily distracted? So this quilt top is finished, but it needs to be quilted and bound. Do I even have backing fabric for this? I still have to work that out. 
  4. Another flimsy (an unquilted top). This little gem is a nine-inch Concrete Mixer Truck block which I whacked a Border on and plan to donate to the local hospital’s Special Care Baby Unit when it’s done. 
    I have got the backing fabric for it, and it’s only a small quilt 50x60cm, so this shouldn’t be a hard task.
  5. Grandmothers Garden Lap Quilt. I have 6 more blocks to create for this as well as quilting and binding. The good thing is that there is a deadline on this one as it is the one I’m making blocks for Online Quilt Magazine every second month in 2019. So it has to be finished by December. I know I’m best when working to a deadline.
  6. Tommy Turtle Quilt.  The shells are meant to be scrappy, so that’s a good way to dig into my scraps and existing stash without having to dig into my pockets for the cash to buy more fabric. Here’s what I have so far: 
    and here’s what it should look like: 
  7. Farm Animal Quilt. These blocks got away from me. I got carried away on the thrill of my on little quilt-along and then forgot to plan my own quilt out properly. My saving grace here is that each animal at least has a white background, so they should be ok together despite being a bit of an odd combination to look at now. I also have 5 more blocks to create- so I might be able to plan something out from here to tie my existing colours together a bit better. 
  8. Up in the Air Quilt - I’m least excited about this one. I think this is another one that I got bored with. Also, I really didn’t like the background colour I used, I’m wondering why I used it at all now! So far I have 6 blocks and I tried to free motion Quilt one of them. It did not go well. I will have to unpick some stitches and probably need to make some more blocks to finish this quilt well. 
  9. Then there’s this Orphan Iris Block that I need to do something with. 
    I’m tempted to make another Sweet Pea Satchel for this, but I’m still undecided. Any suggestions? 
  10. Lastly, there’s a Rag Quilt that I have started cutting squares out for and not yet started sewing. 

OK, there were quite a few more than I thought (actually- double), but some of them should be fairly easy to finish. On the other side of the coin, I still have other less interesting stuff to do - like finish making curtains for the house now that winter is here (I haven't included this in my list, but probably should)

How many WIPs do you have? Hopefully not as many as I have!

Happy Piecing!


1 comment:

  1. I have one the word swap haha .Although I do have a LIST of things I need to make for Christmas . I plan to make all kids stocking from shop brought to handmade .This has been on my list for say 7 years !! { enter in eye roll } you could always make another tote bag with iris block and gift it for xmas ? or make a cushion cover ?! I love your swap make so cute .congrats on making it into the make modern magazine .I love the idea of a turtle quilt .That will look super cute !
