Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Chicken's have come home to roost!

During April as part of the Kohatu Patterns Farm Animal Quilt Along, we created some awesome looking Chooks for our quilts. I couldn't decide on a favourite this month, as they all looked great!

I loved the yellow chicken which Julia created below. She's a bit scrappy and yet also has a bit of a subtle look against the white background:

 Truus made her chicken a beautiful spotty Brown:

 My chicken was a bit of Yellow mixed with some Orange Solids:

and Donna also made a Brown Hen, but with a little more contrast: 

The Chicken Pattern is in my Etsy store now and is already proving to be quite a popular pattern.

The next animal we are tackling is a Billy-Goat, and so far he is proving to be quite gorgeous! I'm looking forward to seeing what my lovely Quilt-Along buddies come up with for next month's Goat Pattern too!

Happy Piecing!

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