Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hearts for Christchurch.

I had a different plan for today's post. Initially, I was hoping to share some pics of our Farm Animal Pig Block, but that will have to wait until next week. Something else has come up - a good cause and I'm doing my best to help out.

I'm sure you have all heard about the tragedy here in NZ last week. Well here's the great Kiwi spirit shining through - instead of getting angry, we get working. We love and support each other and that's something that makes me incredibly proud to be a New Zealander.

There is a small group of volunteers on facebook called Angels in Gumboots, and they are a fantastic bunch. They are coordinating the making of Healing Hearts Quilts - and lots of them, one for every victim. That's 100 Quilts, for the 50 dead and 50 injured.

As part of this project, they are receiving 6.5" quilt blocks from quilters all over the world who are wanting to help out with heart blocks. In order to do my bit, I have made some blocks (I even tried my hand at doing some Applique!) which I will be posting soon, but also - I have contacted the group and offered my Heart in Pieces Pattern for free to anyone who wants to use it.

And here it is again - If you want it simply download it here and share t with your friends if you want too. This is just something small I can do to help.

All of the details can be found on the Angels in Gumboots Facebook Page.

Happy Piecing!

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