Sunday, November 18, 2018

Here's an oldie but a goodie...
I recently revised and updated the Hot Air Balloon Pattern. It's now a bit simpler with only three sections to put together.
If you wanted you could use this pattern with a jelly roll and make an entire quilt of Hot Air Balloons and it would look awesome!

If you are a newbie to using the paper piece quilting method this would be a good one to start with. This block together with the Aeroplane will be going together as part of my 'Up in the Air' series Quilt.

Here's another example of the Hot Air Balloon - This one was made by Julia from Julia McTeer Quilting Julia makes some fantastically beautiful quilts and sells them on Etsy. They are definitely worth checking out!

Next week I'm working on the Rocket Pattern in amongst other projects, including a quilt pattern using a jelly roll which although it's not a paper piece pattern, I know you will love!

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