Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Hand-sewn present for myself!

During the lockdown here in NZ, I was for the most part, without (and missing) my sewing machine. Like so many others we have had to make sacrifices and what I have sacrificed is my sewing space so that my husband could work from home. 

Hand Sewn Rainbow coloured Pin Cushion with a Honey Bee in the centre

With the recent publication of Issue 34 Make Modern Magazine, I decided to turn my hand to an English Paper Piecing project that I saw featured in the magazine. My hand sewing skills are not crash hot, but I was needing a sewing fix and this was something I could make completely without the aid of my trusty Bernina. 

My experience with English Paper Piecing is minimal. I gave it a go some years ago and have yet to finish this project. It’s currently sitting in the stack of unfinished projects in my cupboard waiting for me to appliqué it to finish it into a cushion. But I saw the ‘Serious Sewist’s Pincushion’ by Lauren Wright from Molly&Mama in the latest issue of Make Modern and decided this was the perfect lockdown sewing project for me. 

I used only scraps out of my scrap box, for the project and improvised somewhat with the EPP and appliqué processes, as I didn’t have any basting glue or felt in my stash and supplies. 

Instead of glue, I used Washi Tape to baste the fabric to the card templates. This was purely due to the fact that I had an abundance of tape and no glue. But it worked really well. 

For the honey bee, the pattern required felt pieces. I had no felt. But I had fabric scraps, so I used this instead for my honey bee and hand sewed the appliqué. It went a bit wonky and looks a bit rough, but that adds character, right? (Yes my hand sewing skills are dodgy).

I’m so pleased with my cute new pincushion and bonus it’s sooo much bigger and better than my old one, which has come in handy now I have my sewing space back! 

I hope you are enjoying your sewing anyway you can!
Happy stitching!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Free Anzac Poppy Pattern

It's almost Anzac Day.

For those of you that don't know, In Australia and New Zealand, we honour our veterans every year on April 25th. We usually get up before sunrise and attend an honourary service to remember all the fallen soldiers and those that have served our Countries.

This year due to the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, most (if not all) of these services have been canceled. So I've been working on some free ANZAC themed quilt patterns so that those who can sew, can make a quilt instead.

Click here to download a copy of the 6" ANZAC Poppy Pattern.

I hope to have my next pattern available to download soon, but it's much more complex and designed as a full-sized Quilt (It will be at least 25" wide and 34" long, and possibly bigger). Here's a sneak peek:

I hope you enjoy the free ANZAC poppy quilt pattern in the meantime!
Happy Sewing,

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Spring Fling Sew Along Week Three

What's your favourite Kona Solid Colour?
I've worked with Cardinal lately, but I do love a good pastel too!

So far its been pretty lonely in the sew-along and I'd love to see you join in!
This week, I decided to make the Iris instead of the Bird of Paradise. Remember you can make ANY block you like from the Spring Fling Quilt Pattern, and as many blocks as you like to make your flower quilt!

If you haven't bought the pattern and that is why you haven't started your blocks, then check out my Etsy store now as it is 20% off until March 29th, 2020! Is it a fear of foundation paper piecing? Think it looks too complex?
Or maybe there's another reason? I love to hear it!

Remember to tag #springflingsewalong when you upload to Instagram to be in to win this week's prize a Fat Quarter bundle of 5 Kona Solids from Rainbow Stash NZ called Meadow! 

This Weeks Prize Sponsor

This week the prize sponsor is Rainbow Stash NZ and the prize is a Fat Quarter Bundle called Meadow. It consists of five beautiful shades of green in Kona Solid! 

To win you will need to:
  • Post a photo of ANY flower block from the Spring Fling Quilt Pattern to Instagram before March 21st,
  • Follow
    on Instagram and;
  • Use the tag #springflingsewalong in your post. 
Happy Piecing!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Spring Fling Sew Along Week Two

I chose to stick to the Pattern for Week Two and make the Daffodil block. I used some Alison Glass fabric from my stash in an effort to use what I have!

This week's Question: What's your favourite Spring-time meal?

I'm really looking forward to seeing your blocks.
remember to tag #springflingsewalong when you upload to Instagram to be in to win this week's prize! 

This Weeks Prize Sponsor

This week the prize sponsor is Online Quilt Magazine and the prize is a one-year Premium Subscription to the Magazine!
Premium Subscribers get access to the whole back-catalog of Online Quilt Magazine Issues, hundreds of patterns and articles.
To win you will need to:
  • Post a photo of ANY flower block from the Spring Fling Quilt Pattern to Instagram before March 14th,
  • Follow

    on Instagram and;
  • Use the tag #springflingsewalong in your post. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Spring Fling Sew Along Week One!

What is your favourite Spring-time activity? A walk in a garden? A spot of casual tennis or a picnic in the park? One thing is for sure, the weather is improving and those lovely sunny days are becoming more frequent!

It's also time to get out your Spring Fling Quilt Pattern and start sewing! Here's my first block, I decided to go scrappy and use fabrics that were already in my stash for this one, and It's just so bright and colourful, it definitely screams SPRING!

Plus I used some of the New Zealand Fabric I had leftover from my Kiwi Applique project!

This week the prize sponsor is Morgan from Cedar Makerie and the prize is a collection of PDF Quilt Patterns from her store, including the gorgeous Leadlight Pattern!
To win you will need to:
  • Post a photo of ANY flower block from the Spring Fling Quilt Pattern to Instagram before March 7th, 2020
  • Follow @cedarmakerie on Instagram and;
  • Use the tag #springflingsewalong in your post. 

The FIRST Prize Winner

Sanne has won her choice of two patterns from the Kohatu Patterns Etsy Store for sharing her intention to participate in the Sew Along on Instagram!

Happy Piecing!

Sunday, March 1, 2020


I thought I’d take a moment to talk about some of the fantastic prizes on offer during the Spring Fling Sew Along
Here’s a complete list of the prizes for each week:

The first prize that was up for grabs was two patterns of the winners choice from the Kohatu Patterns Etsy store - no sewing required to win this one! The winner simply had to share their intention to participate on Instagram with the following graphic before midnight on February 29th 2020.

Congratulations Sanne Leppers who was the winner of this prize!

The prize list for the other weeks are as follows:

Week One (March 1st-March 7th): A selection of PDF Quilt Patterns from Cedar Makerie including this beautiful pattern called Leadlight!

Week Two (March 8th - March 14th): A One-year subscription to Online Quilt Magazine! These subscriptions include access to every issue ever published and hundreds of quilt patterns and articles! Make sure you follow Online Quilt Magazine on Instagram to win!

Week Three (March 15th - March 21st): This beautiful Spring Meadow Fat Quarter Fabric Bundle from Rainbow Stash NZ!

Week Four (March 22nd - March 28): A copy of the Kiwi Applique Pattern from Kohatu Patterns

Week Five (March 29th - April 4th): A One-year subscription to Online Quilt Magazine

Week Six (April 5th - April 11th): A mystery Fat quarter bundle from Fabric Stork!

Week Seven (April 12th - April 18th): 1 ½ yards of fabric of the winners choice from Funky Flowers Design Collection on Spoonflower for backing your Spring Fling quilt from Little Quack Fabric there are 37 designs in the collection to choose from, here are a few of my favourites:

Week Eight (April 19th - April 25th): A One-year subscription to Online Quilt Magazine

Week Nine (April 26th - May 2nd): From byNessie505 the winner of Week Nine will receive a PDF copy of the awesome 'Lady in Red' Pattern!

Week Ten (May 3rd - May 9th): A Tailors Clapper from Rainbow Stash NZ!

Week Eleven (May 10th - May 16th): This Primary Colours FQ Bundle from Rainbow Stash NZ and a copy of the Shape O Quilt Pattern by Kohatu Patterns!

Week Twelve (May 17th - May 24th): A copy of the Mayday Quilt Pattern Card from Just a Simple Stitch

Plus of course, then there is the Grand Prize - A Mystery Box full of quilty goodies worth $200NZD!

How much does it cost?
The sew-along is free, You just need to have a copy of the pattern (Hint: Sign up to the Spring Fling Email updates for a discount) and a public Instagram account.

What if I don’t have an Instagram account?
You can still sew along! If you want you can email pictures of your blocks to me at or post them on Facebook, however, only pictures posted on Instagram with the correct tag will be eligible for prizes.

I already have parts of the pattern from Online Quilt Magazine do I have to buy it again?
No. You can make any blocks you like in any combination. So you could make a quilt with 12 of the same flower if you want. If you need certain individual blocks, they are all available in the Etsy Store separately as well.

What do I have to do to win a prize?
Follow the prize sponsor on Instagram.
Post a photo of ANY flower block from the pattern during the week the prize you want to win is being judged AND
Tag #springflingsewalong  
More blocks=more entries!

What about the Grand Prize?
To win the Grand Prize you will need to
1. Follow @kohatupatterns on Instagram
 2. post a photo to Instagram with your completed quilt or quilt top/flimsy with at least 6 blocks of any combination of flowers from the pattern, and;
   3. Use #springflingsewalong in your Instagram description.

Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Custom New Zealand Quilt and Quilting Brave.

I don't usually make custom quilts, as I find I struggle to get them done in a timely manner for a variety of factors. The first reason being that most of my time is spent chasing after a 2-year-old, and the second being that I often find that I lack motivation and like to quilt for my own pleasure and not because I have to. This is possibly why I have such an enormous stack of unfinished quilts that I keep promising myself to get to in the future.

However, I was recently asked by my Aunty to make a quilt for her first grandchild and she wanted some input into the design. Primarily she wanted it to have a distinctly New Zealand theme. I immediately had a whole heap of ideas, such as creating a foundation paper pieced Buzzy Bee, Red Band Gumboots or a Rugby Shirt with a Silver Fern. But my Aunty wasn't so fussed on those ideas. She was thinking Nikau palms and birds.

Birds - That gave me an idea... I cranked out Electric Quilt and showed her my applique Kiwi Pattern and started playing around with some colours. When she saw the idea of a flock (is that the correct word) of Multi-coloured Kiwi, she was sold - and quite frankly, so was I. I was so excited to get started, that we immediately searched through my stash to find scraps for the colours. I wanted to go for bold prints like the Fuschia Blueberry Park fabric I had in my stash, however, Aunty wanted more plain fabrics, with subtle prints. On a side note, she later agreed that the bold prints stood out exceptionally well in this design. Plus she really liked the fabric by Nutex with the Kereru, Tui and Takahe on it, so I decided to use that as the border and sashing for the quilt, which worked well as the colours in the fabric were reflective of the colours in some of my Kiwi, as well as including the Nikau Palms she wanted!

I really enjoyed piecing this quilt, and if you are a regular follower, you will be well aware that my applique skills are somewhat lacking, however, this quilt was great for helping me to practice this technique and find out the style of applique that works best for me. I still used Raw-edge applique, and love love love HeatNBond EZ Print Lite Sheets for appliqué projects. I have discovered that I much prefer a zig-zig stitch over a blanket stitch for my applique - it looks neater to me.

After I had completed my blocks with the nine colourful Kiwi I laid it out to make sure I had balanced my colours, and I had a helper, who kept telling me that the quilt I had created was "Ten Kooky Kiwi". This is a New Zealand Children's book and Song which has Kiwi getting into all sorts of mischief. I will be honest, I hadn't made the connection until he said it, but when he did, it seemed only fitting to make a tenth Kiwi, and place it on the back of the quilt (I used ‘Crazy Paua Shell’ fabric by Nutex for the backing)

This quilt for me was really about pushing myself out of my comfort zone and practicing some new skills. As well as being an applique quilt, I also tried doing some free-motion quilting using the hopper foot. I whipped out those $3 gloves I got from Bunnings Warehouse and jumped in. It may have been careless of me to try a new technique on a quilt that was not for me. However, I also felt that if I didn't give it a crack, then I might be held back by the same fear in future quilts. Besides, there was always my handy seam ripper to help me unpick if I really screwed it up.

I practiced doing a stipple on a small square of fabric, and then put my Kiwi Quilt under the needle and let rip. I was using my new Sulky PolyLite thread for the quilting and it came out very nicely.  Hopefully, I made Leah Day proud, but possibly more importantly - I definitely surprised myself and was super pleased with my effort. By the time I had finished quilting my hearts and the stipple to fill in the spaces between, I was much more confident, and actually very happy with the result. It's a hard thing to break out of your comfort zone and try something new, but ultimately if we keep letting that fear rule us, we would never try anything new. Therefore I think its sometimes important to take a leap of faith and give it a go. Quilt Brave, and be fierce in your dedication to hone your craft.

This time I was brave, comes and all in all, I think the resulting quilt was better for it (and yep - it definitely has a New Zealand flavour!). Would I be this brave in a quilt again? Absolutely.

Happy Quilting!